
Medicinsk Museion

Bredgade 62, 1260 København K




  • Fully inaccessible: A museum that profits from and displays the medical history of illness and topics related specifically to disability and disabled bodies is not accessible to those with disabilities. As the museum communicates, they are located in a “unique” and historic building and choose to prioritize this location over giving access to people like me with a disability and want to connect more with the history and topics related to my condition that would offer some insight into my artistic practice. The museum also frequently features exhibitions or events from the visual arts field that I am blocked from experiencing.
  • Lack of online resources: There are not adequate distance resources that would allow me to get the same use out of this institution as if I was able bodied. Even if this institution recognizes that they are inaccessible due to their location there is no effort made to engage with people with disabilities by offering online events or giving access to their collection online.


  • Clearly communicates that is inaccessible
  • Honors handicap assistance programme: I could in theory bring a helper on my visit free of charge if I could enter the museum in the first place.