
Statens Værksteder for Kunst

Frederiksholms Kanal 30, 1220 København K


Low accessibility


  • Main entrance is only accessible by stairs: The national workshops is state owned and hosts many independently organized talks and events, currently, it is only accessible by climbing five metal stairs, on a normal day this is something that I am able to do however I have tried to attend events their either when it was icy, snowing, or raining and I cannot enter. That means that every time I consider going to an event there I can never plan with 100% certainty that I am able to attend. They are currently undergoing renovations and have promised a working elevator to enter from street level however there is no date by which this is expected to be completed.
  • Use of facilities and residencies are inaccessible to those on disability social benefits: Applying to residencies and use of facilities here would mean that I would not have enough time to retain my current reduced working hours and could possibly alert that social benefit system that I have more working ability than I actually have and they would take away my right to benefits. Any critically thinking person is able to deduce that creating art and maintaining a day job, in administration or working on a computer does not require the same bodily abilities, however the social system does not view it the same way, and could in theory require me to work more hours than I am physically able to.


  • Elevator between internal floors.